How to Tell Your Spouse You Want a Separation or Divorce

10 tips to help you organize and prepare yourself for a difficult conversation: telling your spouse. One of the first questions I get from people who consult with me is “How do I tell my spouse?”  Even if you believe your spouse sees it coming (or should have...

How to Tell Your Kids About Your Upcoming Divorce or Separation

Once you are certain that you and your spouse will be separating or divorcing, it is critical to think about how, and when, to talk to your children.  Children may remember this conversation very vividly, and these guidelines will help you prepare yourselves to...

How Will Nesting Help Your Kids and You?

What story do you want your kids to share about your divorce when they are grown? The decisions and actions you take now, shape their future narratives. Nesting offers your children the chance to create a story of a healthy and amicable separation or divorce.

Why Have One Neutral Financial Professional in Your Divorce?

What I say to the first noted potential clients is that I, as a neutral financial professional, promise them they will know everything financially related to their divorce prior to any decision making.  It is my job to lay out all the assets and debts and income and expenses in simple and understandable form to both clients and any mediator or attorneys.  It is also my job to educate my clients about taxes, tax filing status, health and life insurance, Social Security, pension values, and the consequences of dividing assets that have tax related issues.

Why Consider a Collaborative Divorce?

You have full support. Unlike in mediation, you have a lot of support and guidance throughout your Collaborative Divorce. A mediator is neutral, so he/she cannot advise you or advocate for either of you. The mediator should educate you about the law and can facilitate the conversation between you and your partner, but cannot stop you from making an uninformed or unwise decision. If you like the idea of mediation but feel that you would benefit from having your own lawyer’s guidance and support, Collaborative Divorce is the process to consider.